"Indeed, given the destruction of the past eight years to the fabric of American democracy, to shy away from torture prosecutions would seem profoundly -- and dangerously -- shortsighted."
While Barack Obama has turned to the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration for a model of economic recovery, looking beyond the Great Depression to the Nuremburg Trials, he might find a useful example of why prosecutions for war crimes matter.
The Bush administration’s complete disregard for the law sets a profoundly dangerous precedent—that the law can be broken with impunity, that the law itself doesn’t apply to those in power.
The Bush administration’s complete disregard for the law sets a profoundly dangerous precedent—that the law can be broken with impunity, that the law itself doesn’t apply to those in power.
Consider the possibilities for a president who’s even worse than Bush, as staggeringly impossible as that may be to imagine.